The 5 best things about Rialto Pizza.
1. The veggie pizza practically comes with a salad on top: fresh, crisp and plentiful.
2. A seriously delicious Italian hoagie. Darn near everyone does them, but Rialto is a cut above.
3. The Rialto Giant (28 inches, 49 slices) is too big to fit in my front door, but if you're having people over for a game or a party it's perfect. Tip: Use it as an incentive on moving day. You'll have more help (and more pizza) than you'll know what to do with.
4. An admirable selection of decently-priced beer means not having to make two stops on the way home.
5. If there's no game on t.v., guaranteed they are playing some basic cable reality show (which is the television equivalent of eating pizza).