Day 2 in Vegas and I was suffering from all the symptoms of a oncoming cold. With 3 days left of vacation, no way was I about to get full blown sick. So I did what I would have done back home. Ordered a full order of fresh orange juice in the morning, Pho for lunch, and came back for another medicinal cocktail (sans the booze sadly) of green juice, ginger, and chia seeds called "the cleanse". I think it worked, because I was up and running to my normal rhythm by that evening. I wish they fresh juiced/squeezed it as you ordered, but instead its in a constantly flowing dispenser machine similar to a slushy machine at Fat Tuesday. I guess that cuts down on the time it takes them to dispense each persons drink when they get busy, but I prefer the more organic process myself. The juices were Delicious and you can add your own shots into it.