| - My goodness. Snow ice needs to be a thing. Forget froyo or bubble tea. Why isn't snow ice a thing yet? Incredibly fluffy and soft, this is not the shaved ice you know. Coming in various flavors with all kinds of toppings (mostly fruit), I don't know how anyone can not become a fan.
Instagram first introduced me to this cold treat (known as shaved snow in CA or shave ice in HI), and curiosity has taken my taste buds on a journey to find this elusive beast. Enter Cool Ice Taipei in Pittsburgh.
I went with the "Japanese Ba Bao style" snow ice, mainly because it looked cool as hell. It was green tea flavored, topped with red beans, taro, and various fruits. I didn't think I would enjoy it that much because I loathe anything with green tea, but I've never been happier to be so wrong. It was perfect. It was delicious. It was sweet, smooth, creamy, light, fluffy... If food is porn, this was the money shot.
So I need snow ice to be a thing. Why? Because I don't want to drive 100+ miles every time I want some. Snow ice, please be a thing so that more of you pop up and I and everyone else can experience your goodness.