It has potential to be a good dog park due to the nice size space (but no shady areas which is tough in Vegas). Wish there were a few trees.
On to what bothered me. A large group of people who talked and laughed and did not keep even one eye on their dog. Their dogs pooped all over and yes I was THAT person. I was the dog police because I'm sick of irresponsible dog owners. I went up to people and told them their dog shit and they need to clean it up. I took them to the shit and waited until they picked it up. People think that they don't need to clean up after their dogs and ruin the experience for others who do take responsibility to watch their dogs every move and make sure there is no trouble and clean up poop.
I asked one of the group members if this was a dog meetup. She said no they just attend daily and know each other by name. That's great but maybe they can meet at happy hour not the dog park. This is not a time and place to let your dogs run free while you chit chat. If your dog attacks another you are responsible. People need to get out of their own world and realize this is a shared space.