This cafe is wonderfully designed, with the careful consideration of the kitties kept in mind. It is absolutely amazing how all of their merchandise supports local vendors and artists. Everything about this cafe supports local, which makes it that much more ameowzing!
Cats do get sleepy, and do things on their own terms. Which is COMPLETELY understandable because they are CATS! You can't go in expecting every single cat to put on their crazy playful side every darn second. That's unrealistic and simply selfish to think as such. The cats are absolutely amazing to spend time with, to relieve stress and just get some pure comfort and fuzz therapy. Not to mention, all of them are rescues that come from the local MEOW foundation. Even a portion of all sales goes back to support this amazing foundation, which is really neat!
In all honestly, the prices are extremely comparable to those other places in Kensington. It's overall a clean, modern, cute and purrfect place to spend an hour or two! Would recommend it to absolutely anyone. =^.^=