| - My husband and I look young, a lot younger than our actual ages. We went into this store looking for some furniture since we just moved back to Arizona. We walked around, and browsed but we weren't really liking any of the furniture. No one bothered to ask us if we needed anything, I guess because we look young, which is OK with me since I will usually hunt someone down if I am really interested in something. BUT, the real kicker was when a salesman cut RIGHT in front of me as I was walking down the pathway and stopped right in my path to ask ANOTHER couple if they needed anything. It was as if I had never existed to him, and I was just some little gnat that he could just walk in front of and ignore. Part of me wanted to kick him for cutting in front of me inches from where I was walking, but I decided to walk around.
When I was in grad school, our instructors always said NEVER underestimate the person you are trying to get business from, no matter how they look. They told numerous stories of people that may have looked like they couldn't afford things, but then ended up being independently wealthy with lots of disposable income. Although we look young, we did have money to spend, and as a result of their really atrocious customer service I am never going to set my foot here again. I have to say, this Dump is really aptly named, not because of their furniture, but because apparently that's the true place where their salesmen are going to be working if they keep up such rudeness.