This review is based entirely on a stuffed Chicago-style pizza that we got to go.
It was DELICIOUS. I can honestly say I can't wait to order it again.
When we called, we were given a time an hour and a half later to come pick it up. This is not the place to go if you are in a hurry. I'm pretty into the whole Slow Food thing, so I don't mind waiting. I know that good food takes time. Hell, Chicago-style pizza should take at least 45 minutes, if it's done right. If you know it's going to take awhile, it's easy to mentally prepare for it. Now, if I was absolutely starving and went to this place not knowing about the notorious wait...then I might have a problem.
I liked what I saw when we went to pick it up.. the interior is cozy and fun. The patio was hoppin', and they have an outdoor bar. Some guy was going around with little pieces of fresh, hot pizza to tide everyone over. WARNING: It may look like cheese but it's least not when we were there. I am a pretty strict vegetarian but had to laugh when I ate it and discovered there was pepperoni underneath the cheese. Next time, I'll be sure to ask. :)