Here's the story,
The first week of January I had some undercooked chicken for lunch, I was worried about it all day, I went to Pepe's for dinner and had their all meat al pastor burrito. after I ate it I felt really sick and thought "oh here we go, that chicken is going to kill me."
I had a bout with that food poisoning for a week straight, total dehydration Doctor said I had to let it all pass... I was very sick and missed a whole week of work.
Come last night, I go to Pepe's with a friend again, I order the same thing, and last night I had burps that smelled like death and the bubble guts again, terror crossed my mind as if maybe it wasn't the chicken, maybe it was this al pastor burrito that had caused the problems... lo and behold by 6am today i'm throwing out water out of the wrong end and it's not pretty, stomach grumbling, things churning, burping still continuing, even right now i can still smell the death in the burps. I bought some apple cider vinegar that i'm about to wash my system with because i'll be darned if i'm going to let this crap keep me down for another week... wish me luck people and avoid this place like the plague.