My Dad lives in Las Vegas and I seen the episode on Tanked (the show that makes these outrageous aquariums). They did one for Popcorn Girl and after seeing the episode, how could you not want go and visit the website to see all the amazing, crazy flavors of popcorn that they had.
Well I did immediately. And was hesitant to have them ship it to me, when I can just stop there the next time I visit my Dad...
Well my Dad made a decision for a quick weekend visit to Dallas, and I quickly asked him to stop by Popcorn Girl to get us a few small bags to bring on his carry on bag.
SOOOO to the Popcorn part of the review..
O.M.G the dill pickle.. yes, yes, yes... I get extra pickles anytime there are pickles around anywhere. So I had to try it out.. and it was actually my favorite out of the three flavors we got.
My boyfriend got the Wacky Watermelon, we both weren't too crazy about it. It did taste like watermelon non the less.
And I also got the Loaded Baked Potato flavor as the reviews were pretty good.