Eew eew eew.
How could such a beautiful little place elicit such a strong response from me? Let me try to simplify it to a quick formula:
Handling money
+ not washing hands
+ picking up my baked goods with dirty hands
+ pretentiousness when I ask about your unlabelled products (I know it's an eclair! I just want to know what flavours are in it!)
+ carelessly throwing them in a box upside down (!)
= yuck.
Foodwise, definitely yummy. My chocolate eclair and mint-chocolate macaron were both light and just sweet enough to please my palate. However, the food is Petite Thuet's only redeeming quality.
The service clearly leaves to be desired. When I pay $5 for an eclair, I prefer that you handle it with care. Also, immediately returning to the phone the instant you're done with my transaction without saying goodbye doesn't impress me either.
What happened to customer service?
Such a disappointment. There are other bakeries that at least look like they appreciate my business. (See: Nadège on Queen St W.