Got a reservation a few months back. Excellent seat as my husband's a Diamond with Caesar's. Great service and great food. Here's the reason for the 1 star:
At the end of service we presented the Diamond card and told the service we wanted to use the comps. We all know how long it takes to earn $300 in comps!
The server came back and said the card did not work. He could not use the comps so I put it on a credit card. A month later we were able to find out through Caesars they did in fact take the comps off the account! They were paid twice for the meal!
So after a few back and forths the restaurants says they can't do anything. They don't see the comps. I have the record for them taking my credits AND my credit card receipt. RIDICULOUS!
I love Ramsay's burger place and did love this until I learned what a bunch of scam artists they are. So disappointed!!
All in all I paid over $600 for the meal. For a $300 meal it was good; not for twice that.
Gordon, who do you have running this place? As a Vegas local who goes to nice restaurants on the strip several times a month, this is not one I will be returning to. I'll do Carnevino or Holmstead. Better service and not scammers.