It's kind of weird where I rate this Smith's lower than another Smith's where I get called racial slurs, ha.
I will start at 5 Stars and give appropriate adjustments as to how I ended up with 2 stars.
Minus 1 Star since every damn time I head into this Smiths, the same kid keeps on asking me for change. I know you aren't homeless, you are too pro at it.
Minus 1 Star for it never being clean, I mainly go to Smiths because it's supposed to (to me) be a grocery store with better customer service...or a better customer experience than a Walmart. This smiths doesn't do that.
Minus 1 for just having a very odd atmosphere, I just cant' explain completely doesn't feel right.
I do like that they sell my rice cakes, the parking situation is good and it's a 1 minute drive from where I am half the time so it's convenient. I probably sound super cynical on this review, maybe because I'm starving. But I can't imagine giving this place 3 stars, but it's a 2.8 rounding down for me.
It's a love/hate grocery store relationship between us, of course I'll be back.