This is the worst total wine I've been to. Nobody asked if they can help me find something for a full 10 min when obviously I'm needing some guidance. Then an elderly gentleman that works there finally turns into the area I'm in and I ask where the Everclear would be since he seems like he's in a hurry. He takes me over to the vodka shelf (next aisle) and says "we may be out, it's outlawed now, another lady was looking for it today. Yup!" He gets up and starts walking away and all I can do is say um and raise my hand as if to say wtf that's it?? He says halfway turned to me walking away "did you have anything else ma'am?"
Well, a good alternative would have been nice. I think there was an alternate ingredient mentioned in the recipe that maybe a guy that works at a liquor store would know. Or even a solid minute of a decent respectful conversation face to face. But no, I spent another five minutes walking around looking for it (or anyone that would even acknowledge me) and left empty handed.