Terrible experience. Our attendant did not seem to know what he was doing. The booth broke down for a large amount of time. When it was working, the images were severely crooked and blurry.
Approximate downtime 90 minutes
5 Hours = 300 minutes
Percentage of time down: 30%
Total separate images: 325
Blurry images: 106
Percentage of total images blurry: 32%
Severely crooked images: 213
Percentage of severely crooked images: 66%
To be fair, we spoke with customer service after the event. They did refund a significant portion. It took quite a bit of back and forth though to finally come to an agreement. But, again, to be be fair, they did issue a partial refund.
However, I guess it's still left a bad taste in our mouths since it was our wedding day. I feel like the whole thing could have been prevented.
I'd recommend avoiding them. Even if everything works the way it's supposed to... it's a really cheap and crummy setup. It looks like someone got a low quality camera and setup a sheet.