Ah the Pittsburgh Glass Center is my favorite place in Pittsburgh. Ever. The PGC is hands down one of the best equipped glass blowing studios in the country. They have enough space, well maintained tools, amazing staff and just a really cool vibe.
If you're a student, undergrad or grad then I strongly recommend you take one of their glass blowing classes. Because it's cool. Almost as cool as writing yelp reviews. Glass blowing are not the only classes offered. They organize stained glass classes, bead making, cold shop (not your grandma's etched glasses), and even kiln casting for visually pleasing plates.
If you don't want to commit to one of the 8 week classes there are plenty of two hour workshops to choose from. Need a last minute romantic date idea but with a bit of modern twist? Take your significant other to an evening of creative display and make your own pumpkin/christmas ornament/wine bottle stopper/etc. It's the much cooler version of take your sweetheart to the fair and win for them a stuffed panda.