I am very unhappy with my service. I have never gone to your place before so I decided to go to your durango location. When I pulled up to enter no one acknowledged my present I waited in my car for 10 minutes till finally someone not the three people already out there finally came out and waved me in. I got the 49.99 car plan with the super interior cleaning. The driver told me it would be an 1 hour and15 minutes for the cleaning. So I patiently waited in the waiting area. He called me for my car. So I got in and pulled into the shell gas station to pump gas. My passanger seat was pulled up all the way up which was odd because it was not like that before. When I pulled the seat back I revealed a circle of dried up frosting on my carpet that was there before. The man had vacuumed the carpet around the stail and hid the stain by pulling the se. Up. I am not happy at all that was the reason I wanted to get my interior cleaned I made sure to ask him for a plan to clean the floors and he suggested this one. As I pulled out of the gas station a banging noice had started to occur as my wheels rotated. The noise subsided and I no longer hear it. And as well as I noticed while pulling out that there where hand prints on my windshield that was apparent that the inside of my windshield was not cleaned at all. As well as an oilly substance was left all over my front console ie my radio and thermostat. This has been far my worst car cleaning.