I don't know how people can eat these sandwiches. For one, they're so big that you practically have to eat it with a knife and fork. But that's not how you're supposed to eat a sandwich. So you end up having to lock yourself in a room at work so that people don't judge you and your near swine like eating method. The sandwich is so stuffed with goodness that it's bound to end up on your clothes and face. But who cares?? You're in a locked room where no one can judge you. Until you realize that the mustard you had to have is not going to come out of that shirt with spit and hope. You wonder what excuses you'll need to come up with to go back to Goodyear since you don't live anywhere near it. Which will inevitably mean using more gas. So now you're considered an anti social slob at your temporary office and people wonder why you insist on visiting if you're just going to hide in a locked room. Don't come here if you don't want this.