A quick pop in to the Home Depot for a can of WD-40 and some picture hanging hardware, I ended up also picking up an adjustable wrench and a small hammer. Oh, Home Depot, what do you have in the air that makes me want to buy so much of your stuff?
I also took a nice wander down the air filter aisle (I need to get one of those, but I need to know the dang size first) and the storage aisle (large Rubbermaid containers!). Drooling, I managed to pay for my stuff at the self-service checkout before I ended up bankrupt.
Good parking here and the store is like all HD's with wide aisles, good lighting, and helpful associates in their orange aprons who will cheerfully answer questions and they don't just point you towards what you're looking to find - they bring you to that aisle and make sure you're good. I like this.