| - came in for lunch with my wife and kids, only 3 tables in the whole so called restaurant, a sign on the door that states" use other door for market" , I thought was kinda dumb since the market is accessed inside through the 2 table restaurant that is the size of a master bathroom, the register for the market is located in the small restaurant anyway, I ordered a kabob plate and my wife had a shawarma sandwhich, my kabob plate with tumeric covered rice mixed with "saffron" which is a no no, you dont mix saffron with other spices cause saffron is sweet, although the kabob was ok. service was not professional, you would think with only 3 tables in the whole place maybe they would bring the meal to your table, the lady behind the counter was extremely rude, she placed our meals on a tray at the cash register counter saying "here is yourrrrrr fooood" as if we were a burden, we placed a few items inside our cart talking amongst ourselves my wife and I, and the lady was in a hurry to get rid of us rather than help us find the items we were inquiring about, I think she was from southern iraq which indicates why she had a problem with my wife and I speaking arabic in palestinian dialect. we paid for our meals and placed the items from the market that were in our cart back onto the shelves. very rude very unprofessional. this is not the only mediterranean market in town. wont come back here again.
when signing the credit card transaction, the lady did not say thank you or come back or how was everything nor have a nice day, nothing.