I don't know what Frommers was thinking when they rated this place a *find* - I think it should have stayed lost.
Ross and I have been trying to eat there for three years. Every time we tried to stop in we discovered a wait list of an hour and a crowded patio of waiting (read: drunk on margaritas) patrons.
One night our timing was perfect and we got in with a 5 minute wait. I can't imagine what all the hooplah is about that place. I can only speculate that the folks who are waiting an hour to get a table are so drunk that their tastebuds are numb when they finally get to eat.
I was very underwhelmed. So much so that I don't even want to spend the energy describing what I got to eat (tamales). What's worse is that I didn't even like the chips in salsa. Now that's pathetic.
Native and tourists - stay away.