I'm not a local and was just visiting Phoenix on business. This location was laid out oddly and there were two lines when I began to wait. I should have known better as most Starbucks locations have a single line with two cashiers punching them out during peak hours. Anyhow, as I approached the register my group of second liners was getting the stink eye from what looked like the "real" line. Being polite I asked the group, "so, I am guessing our line is incorrect," and one guy responded. "Yea man, this area here has always been where the line forms....," he blurted out. My response was a shoulder shrug as I placed my order. I had been waiting in line for five minutes at this point, the same as him, so I figured I was entitled to place my order. In my opinion the staff should have directed us instead of letting us pile into a second line avoiding the ugly stares and head shaking. The cashier failed to give me a receipt and seemed annoyed when I asked for it. Traveling on business means I am expensing my $5 coffee today. After a few minutes she had to get a manager to reprint, so I told her to forget it.