I'd like to say a few words, both as to why I frequent this particular establishment and what your expectations of this place (and really, all places like it) should be.
First off, my wife works nights near this location. Sometimes I have to pick her up. She gets off at 5AM, we're both usually hungry and breakfast is on our minds. So that's why we have gone here so much. It's always great because pretty much nobody is around. We get fast, pleasant service and generally perfectly prepared breakfast food. What more could we ask for? Us? Nothing. This place hits the exact spot we're trying to fill.
In general, I think, people expect too much from Waffle House. You have to be able to appreciate the experience. There's always an early morning smoking crew out front, trading jokes and stories about what's going on in the world. To some people this kind of thing is off-putting. To us, it's endearing.
If you go to Waffle House expecting world-class anything you're going to be disappointed. This is more like the best the lower-middle-class has to offer: food and formica; friendly, cheap and fast. We love it and we're not ashamed to say it. This location in particular has an awesome staff. I reserve my 5-star reviews for places that I can't say anything bad about - not for places that fold my napkins when I go to the restroom.