Hmmm let's see.... Where should I start? I can't really remember when dutch bros and I began our love affair. It has been a while now. I have to say this love doesn't extend to all locations. In fact it only involves this one. Also, the more locations that open the less I like the company. Who are you trying to be?? Starbucks??!!??
Anyways... The annihilator is my favorite. I get it blended, but iced is just as nice. The guys here are ALWAYS awesome. The girls can be too much and seem to never understand the stamp card concept. If you don't like coffee try a berry smoothie. This place is great but would be better f you had the option to escape the Arizona heat by stepping inside. The drive thru is necessary or the walk up joint would sink.
If you like coffee, smoothies or anything DUTCH stop by this Tempe spot.