Don't let this happen to you! Are the servers behind the gelato counter on commission? My boyfriend and I got snaked by the prices AND by the server at Della Spiga Gelato Cafe. We each requested one scoop of the SMALLEST serving available. Then we were directed to the cash register to pay where lo and behold the price menu is located (coinkydink they don't post the prices in front of the order counter?) Anyway, the total came to $21.53...Are you kidding me? Turns out we received two mediums after specifically ordering the smallest available, but still...over $21 for two teeny scoops of gelato?! When I brought that to the cashier's attention, she could have cared less, and the snake who filled our order was no where in sight. Another coinkydink? I was honestly dumbfounded and speechless. So we took our gelato and reluctantly walked away without making a stink...I regret that now. Seriously our jaws were hanging to the ground in amazement at what we had just paid for two of the teeniest scoops of gelato you've ever seen. Oh wait, they were "mediums". What the heck do the "smalls" look like? BUYER BEWARE! SHAME ON CAESARS PALACE FOR ALLOWING THOSE CROOKS IN THEIR FORUM MALL. At least you know what to expect when you walk into one of their many designer should be able to get a scoop of ice cream for less than $10 a scoop! The ultimate example of highway robbery! Still dumfounded.