This is the Closest Club to my house that has a Steam Room, Sauna, Whirlpool and an Indoor Swimming Pool - all unisex. Perfect ! I thought.
The front desk was uninterested when I gave my Guest Pass, Next the Locker area was Spartan but adequate, Bring Your Own Towels, The shower was in need of Bleach as was the Steam Room. The Steam Room was filled with wet Paper Towels, Empty Plastic Bottles and a Funky Smell. The Sauna was under Repair, however it was working the next day, but it was being used by Members as a Lounge Retreat and they made it obvious no one was welcome to interrupt their environment by continuing to lay all over the benches. The Whirlpool was at 102 degrees - far too cool to get any benefit. I did not use the pool, however it looked fine, except for the member complaining how dirty it was the day before.
The Gym equipment was being wiped down by No One - Members Nor Staff. There was no individual TV access at any of the equipment - Just Rafter Mounted TVs where you needed a Radio to Tune in to the Small TVs.
The Floor in the Class Area was being replaced due to roof leakage and all classes were cancelled for the week - since they have No Secondary space.
I found the $ 33.00 per month charge out of line for the qualiy of this gym. If this place were Clean and Updated and they enforced a Few Courtesy Rules on it's members It would Be Perfect - Until then It's just a Mess!