Fancy schmancy (is that even a word?) mexican restaraunt, however when I went in I mayyyy have felt slightly underdressed but was welcomed in and seated and felt real comfortable almost immediately. Unfortunately I was on a pre-concert drinking fiasco so I cannot comment on the food, HOWEVER.... my friend and I were there to indulge in some tequila, and there was a wall about 25-30 feet high and like 150-200 feet wide, COMPLETELY STOCKED with a vast variety of tequilas, ranging in prices per shot of a semi standard 8 dollars, to a nearly obscene $250 dollar shot!!! like whoaaaaaaaa.... so whatever me and my friend grabbed a couple shots that I think were 12 and 16 bucks each, which they paired with a chaser shot specific to that type of tequila, and also said though that because it was going to be so smooth, we may not need the chaser.... but there it was. We didn't end up needing it though.... a nice smooth shot or two in a upscale but comfortable athmosphere, can't go wrong..... try it out next time you're in the distillery district.