| - I've taken quite a few classes here. Im speaking about the teachers I've had/ classes I've taken, not speaking for every single class/ teacher that exists at the school. I'm trying to explain my experience as cut and dry as it is without being whiny or to sound like someone who's been wronged so they just come on here to gripe. This is all true.
My teachers have been lackluster in teaching ability and it's quite obvious (for most) this is clearly their second job.
They use obsolete material they created when they first started teaching (you can tell it's dated due to references in material). So much so that even (sometimes numerous) grammatical errors remain.
Online classes are the worst when it comes to obsolete material. When I emailed my "professor" questions about due dates and assignments he'd reply that "oh that info is old" and proceed to tell me the new info. How about your update your curriculum?
Applying for residency is a NIGHTMARE. Make sure you know your dates. The residency application specifically states certain criteria for acceptable documents and I made sure to follow every rule. When I spoke with the ONE AND ONLY PERSON YOU CAN SPEAK TO at the residency application counter because she's "the only one" apparently, Dannii, I was beyond frustrated with her lack of f*cks to give because there couldn't have been any less. She was rude, dressed like a extremely unprofessional (hoodie/ baggy shirt underneath sticking out/ baggy jeans/ I mean I understand casual dress but that does NOT help for professionalism in a school where I'm relying on someone for professional information), extremely unhelpful (all she kept saying like a broken record is "I'm sorry about your frustration but there's nothing I can do about it"), and when I asked to speak to her superior she said "sure she's at the Henderson campus." So I ask, "ok great, what's her name and email?" And Dannii replies "Oh she actually asks us not to give out her name you'll have to visit the campus." ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME?! I asked for the name of someone you can speak to for residency application questions not your drug dealer! For the record, I'm not implying she has a drug dealer I'm merely pointing out the fact that that is someone who's name you wouldn't give out, not someone in charge of residency applications.
Over all, I haven't had one positive thing I can write about this place other than the parking is free and there's a lot of it. I'm from Cali and that just doesn't happen. You really do get the education you pay for here. If you're looking for a cheap place to go to school, you found it. If you want a good education and professional office staff who care to help, go elsewhere.