Eek! Methinks not is damn right. The most dramatic and damaging hair experience of my life occurred at this salon. i went in for a foil and bleach was applied to my hair and I sat under the dryer for 2 hours. I'm not a chemist, but I do know this equation Bleach+dryer=bald. My hair looked decent leaving this salon since I also had a deep conditioning treatment, however when I washed it at home my hair was fried. I called the person who did my hair and she took no responsibility. I rescheduled an appointment for her to fix it. I was sick and didn't show up, which I called and apologized. I felt very bad for standing her up, then I consulted other hair stylists who said what she did to me was criminal. I barely left the house that month. Be honest and use common sense when you do things to your body.