| - So I've driven past this place a bunch of times and finally decided to stop in and see what it was all about.
At best, it was absolutely middle-of-the-road. I had the combo #1 (one of each taco type). When I got home, I opened the bag and found a single ball of tinfoil about half the size of my hand, crunched up around all 3 tacos, and that was it. The thing that was funny to me is that the combo includes NOTHING but the tacos, and is only priced about 10 cents lower than just ordering the damn tacos a la carte, so what's the point of even calling it a "combo"?
As for the actual food, it was nothing special whatsoever. It was basically the same as tacos al carbon from del taco, but at twice the price and all mashed together instead of being individually wrapped (I mean, c'mon guys, is tinfoil *that* expensive these days?)
I was really hoping this would become a favorite place since it's so close by, but the whole experience was the exact opposite of what i was expecting. In my opinion, $7+ for 5.5 oz of mediocre food is not a compelling reason to return - it's freakin chain taco shop, not some foofy French restaurant.
In the end, it wasn't horrible (thus I'm giving it more than 1 star - the place looked clean and I didn't spot any food service shenanigans), but definitely not compelling enough to bring this place past 2 stars. Sorry, America's but that's as generous as I can be - I won't be back.