I'm a regular customer who buys the same supplement which is Mass Tech by MuscleTech. They usually price match it with other stores and I usually get it for around $47-50. But today the store manager was giving me a hard time. I told him politely I usually purchase this supplement around $47-50 all the time from price matching with nutrition rush and he tells me they don't do that because prices always change so I told him to call nutrition and he does and then price came up to around $47-50. So then he tells me but they don't have vanilla and they only have chocolate so I can't sell you vanilla. Like what difference does it make? It's the same 7lB that I usually buy, same brand Muscletech! but different flavor. I HAVE purchased vanilla and chocolate before at this location for the same exact price. And I have never heard of different flavors = different pricing. Regardless they are the same exact brand and same pound which is 7lb just different flavors. Didn't know the flavor changed the value of the supplement even though for other stores it's usually the same strawberry, vanilla or chocolate price stays firm. Not sure if the store manager was just having a bad day or just a total douchebag. Never coming back in this location ever again. Peace