| - Food isn't special. The drink menu is excellent! However, one star for you. Why would I do that? Well let me tell you, I dined there last night and had 1 drink the entire night and only at your establishment. After my meal, and as I left through your front door, your staff said goodnight. However, I failed to see any signs saying "watch your step", the staff did NOT say " Goodnight and watch your step" which you would expect. So as I was leaving I forgot about these useless stairs and tripped down them, caught off guard and left unsteady to balance my myself I laughed nervously and luckily didn't fall down. But as I laughed, the staff laughed and faced away. No one said are you ok, no one said so sorry that happened. I smacked my wrist against the doorway struggling not to fall and it was swollen and hurt the rest of the evening and honestly ruined my whole night. How could you have stairs there without anyone kindly saying watch your step as you leave? Or more noticeable signage? In fact, why are there clumsy stairs in the first place? I could have broke my wrist or an ankle. A lawsuit waiting to happen. Not happy. And your filet although cooked correctly was poorly seasoned, it was terribly bland with only A1 sauce because your establishment lacks Worcestershire sauce and further lacks proper seasoning abilities.