Been here a few times as i live down the street. Fist experience was good Joe was very helpful in mailing out my internatuonal package which is why i decided to come back to ask a simple question about my forward address but this time i was assisted by Tessie she was a nightmare. I started by saying i ordered something from ebay. Before i could get anoyher word out she saod go over there. I tried to explain to her its not a pick up it was just the beginjing of my question and was very dismisive. Then i asked about how i could get something forwarded. Well it was like i personally offended her. She began ranting about how they couldnt do that she didnt know where it was and there was no way for me to change an address. All things i expected to hear but i thought is confirm with someone to be sure but this woman acted like i asked her to go track the package and deliver it herself on her day off. I guess first time was just luck. Or Joe is the only one who knows how to treat people decently in that building.