Yet another fancy rip-off.
This used to be one of our favorite breakfast spots. But after today and trying them for one last time, I must express my sadness for how it has gone down the drain.
This is a cute place. Very clean and cozy. We usually have to wait to be seated because it is very popular. This morning was no exception. We requested a table like usual. Now, I know my husband and I are not the most beautiful couple on the planet, but dang, making us sit in the very back and way out of the way of the general public really makes one feel like you really do not want us there. But at least we got a seat.
It took some time for our waitress to greet us and get out orders. But we can wait. We know its busy. She got our drinks really fast but disappeared for a long time. Almost 40 minutes before we got our food. She did fill my coffee up again for me at least.
When we got our food it was pathetic. The pictures in the menu of the crepes we ordered were full of fillings and almost round. My husband got the ham egg and cheese crepe. It was as flat as a tortilla with maybe a sprinkling of super-tiny diced ham and a thin piece of cheese melted on the top. The poor crepe. Some one deflated it and made it bland. I got the banana/strawberry/nutella crepe. Again so flat. Maybe a teaspoon of nutella on the inside. Did not really taste any. Then I was extremely lucky to receive 1/3 of a banana sliced up super paper thin and placed and the front a back of my crepe. The strawberries might have equaled and entire half of a full strawberry if you took the paper thin see-thru slices and assembled them into something solid. These are $9 and $10 dishes!! You could at least given me an entire banana and a whole strawberry. Maybe they had a "see who can slice the most paper-thin slices of half a fruit and see if the customer notices" contest with the chefs.
I also ordered a side of fruit. So for around $4 I got 3 super-thin slices off of a tiny clemente orange that was way past expired, and 5 whole red grapes. At least they did not cut the grapes paper-thin. I must be lucky to get 5 whole small grapes.
I understand about needing to make a profit, but dang people. At least try and make the food seem not like a super-rip off. We did complain to the manager and he wanted to just give us free muffins. We said thanks but no thanks. We will not come here again.