| - I am a single mom who has been saving for 6 months to get a down payment on a used car, so I had a friend drop me off at Titan Automotive to look at several cars last weekend.
I was interested in 4 cars and showed the salesman my print outs, he said okay lets start with this one...a mazda 3. I test drove it and did not care for the car, when I asked to test drive the other cars the salesman told me I could not, he would only sell me that car???? The other three cars were right there on the lot, the other salesman told me the same thing, they would only sell me the Mazda. I asked why and was told "you dont have a car and no way to get home, so you will have to buy this one". So I walked out, found a pay phone and called my friend to pick me up.
Is it because I am a woman? Do they treat all women this way? Can they really tell me I cannot test drive a car I am interested in? The one they wanted to sell me was way over Kelly Blue Book, the others were not...are they tring to take advantage of a single mom who has been without a car for 6 months? I feel I need to question the ethics of these two salesmen and would strongly warn anyone considering buying a car at this business to "steer clear"...pun intended... of this establishment.
Perhaps a call to "3 on My Side" is in order, used car salesmen have a bad reputation and this is where it starts, I bet this would make an excellent short bit on the evening news.