I live here. No really, I do.
I try to get out here at least 5 times a week, but poor weather is often a deterrent, since rain tends to leave massive puddles in its wake. Just fire up the iPod and I'm off. Look for me in my orange shorts and power-walker form.
A great spot for meeting friends for a quick jaunt after work. Definitely better for your waistline than happy hour, for what it's worth! The bathrooms at the entrance are always in great condition and the water fountain even has a ground-level doggy spout. Gives me the warm fuzzies just thinking about it!
Moms walking with strollers, elderly couples who talk about Lawrence Welk like he's their BFF, distance runners keeping time with strange arm movements....they're all here.
I sincerely appreciate the cyclists who shout a friendly "on your left" to keep from flattening me while I'm deep into a This American Life podcast. (Yes, I am slightly obsessed with Ira Glass. It could be worse...)
Plus, I live half a mile away, so I'm on the greenway before you can say "Baby we were born to run."