| - THE WORST! They cannot control the weather, but seriously! Why not turn on the air conditioning? Both top deck and inside the bus were PACKED FULL, everyone was dripping sweat and fanning themselves with the map-guides. Besides the heat, no one in our group could hear anything the guide said. Sadly, the bus is not electric (I think it is diesel) and each time the guide would say "on your right you will see" that was when the driver advanced the bus with the screeching of motor parts and no further information was heard. Perhaps those upstairs could hear, or see him pointing toward the point of interest, but downstairs, not a learning experience! Due to no one being able to hear, there was far too much talking going on, which made it even harder to hear.
This was a complete waste of $224 (at $56 per person) for not even a full loop. It was so bad that we got off at the Stop with no number, just a question mark. We were told that the ride would resume in 20 minutes. (Yes, we were free to swelter in the hot bus or get out and stand around in the heat, which was truly cooler than inside the bus.). We left, not to EVER do that again in any city with such an offering.
To be clear, if there had been A/C it still was impossible to hear the commentary. Why go on a "tour" if you cannot learn about the city, culture, history, architecture etc. We would have done so much better at the museum.
This Hop-On-Hop-Off is Not Recommend!