| - I searched for landlords to rent from and read tons of reviews before deciding to take a two bedroom from CP Development (or Regent Square Rentals, as they are sometimes called). I just assumed that, like most landlords, they had such bad reviews because the 99% of satisfied customers don't take the time to leave reviews- only the disgruntled ones do that. So, believe me, I was in your shoes. But please, please trust me on this: these people are awful to rent from. Don't do it.
I lived in a CP apartment for one year. The winter was a cold one and our thermometer typically read in the low 50s, once it read 44. We called CP about once a week just to get our point across. Each time they would send a guy out to look at the furnace, say that it was working, and leave. We told them that the windows were from the Great Depression and leaked like cheesecloth. After about a month of shivering all night and being able to see our breath in the living room, they agreed to loan us space heaters. Mind you, our place still couldn't hold any heat because it all leaked out the windows (I kid you not, you could feel a breeze when the wind blew outside), so my roommate and I would huddle around the space heaters like hobos around a trashcan fire just to stay warm. The real fun part was seeing our electric bill for those three months. We asked for help on the utilities from CP (since their terrible windows were the problem), and we basically got laughed out the door.
Secondly, our building constantly had piles of garbage right beside the front door. I understand that CP didn't PUT the garbage there, but once some inconsiderate person dropped it in the wrong place, CP should have been more willing to remove it after multiple requests. One time somebody dumped (no pun intended) a toilet TWO FEET from the front door and it was 4 phone calls over the course of a week and a half to get them to remove the old, disgusting thing.
Long story short, we paid $1200 a month for a two bedroom, one bath, living room, and kitchen that couldn't hold an ounce of heat in the winter. The carpet was probably original and just looked and felt greasy, the kitchen cabinets were particle board, everything looked like a rat or cockroach could jump out of it at any second, and the landlords were 100% unwilling to fix anything or help in any way.
Please don't live here.