I came to Dr. Liu, after exhausting all other medical options. After my honeymoon, I became infected with parasites. For five months I went to six different Western medicine doctors who all told me that I was imagining things or depressed. Despite the pictures of parasites, Western medicine doctors continue to deny my sickness. I am a very active person, and I was becoming so sick I could barely get out of bed.
Luckily I was referred to Dr. Liu. Dr. Liu immediately diagnosed me with parasites, and started treating me for the infection. She put me on a regiment of Chinese herbs and nuts, and with in just a few short weeks I started feeling better.
Unfortunately, because I went undiagnosed for five months the parasites multiplied. I still see Dr. Liu once a week for acupuncture, and will continue to take my herbs until the infection is gone. Dr. Liu is simply the best.