| - The bouncers were aggressive bullies who had absolutely no crowd control skills. My friends and I who were celebrating a bachelorette party at Tryst were waiting in line for the bouncer to find us on the VIP list, which took forever because they kept on taking $100 bribes from older people with extra cash to cut in line. While waiting, we witnessed the bouncers be rude and aggressive to everyone and escalate the situation with a confused and unhappy couple of (jerk) guys who were sick of waiting in line and probably already drunk. Rather than try to defuse the situation, the bouncer shoved the drunk guy and then got decked for getting physical. I thought bouncers were supposed to keep us safe and keep everything going smoothly, not start fights. The fight also got way too out of control and things got nocked down/glasses fell. Rather than have the numerous bouncers nearby able to get one guy in a submission hold and out of the hotel, they were inept and just started brawling with the first guy, his friend joined in and the bouncers were unable to subdue them for quite some time. Glasses and signs ended up getting nocked over and we (the girls stuck in line in the hallway with the exit blocked by the fight) were worried that it was just going to keep escalating and we'd get hurt. (Really, the bouncers were way bigger than the guy that they shoved and his buddy, why were they unable to hold or subdue them?) The clubgoers that got angry and threw a punch were obviously wrong and shouldn't have behaved that way, but the bouncers should have prevented or at least controlled rather than exacerbated the situation.
Once in the club we found a pretty but frigid room that ended up way too packed to dance and yet still freezing. The crowd inside the club consisted of a ton of uncomfortable girls standing around, drunk jerks and some creepy lurker guys who seemed to have bribed their way in and gave off the vibe of looking for someone to roofie. The DJ was supposed to be DJ Homicide, but the transitions between songs and the synergy of songs selected really sucked. It was a disjointed mix of pretty good versions of songs cut very short and piled upon one another without flow (Nirvana doesn't really go with Katy Perry and Lil' Wayne, or at least it doesn't go with the level of skills that the DJ displayed). I kept feeling like the DJ was almost mixing stuff right or almost on to something, but then he'd transition awkwardly and fail. Thankfully most people there had prefunked enough in line to just bop to the randomness.
I got in for free and still didn't feel like it was worth it to be there. I just ended up leaving and going for a classier and better run place to spend my evening.