| - This is not your TYPICAL subway where you order a sandwich, some grumpy worker caters to your every whim, you pay and leave.
Not at this one. The man who runs this subway is a jolly round man who goes by "Lucky." He talks with his customers, he jokes with them, and if you go frequently enough he'll remember your order, and ask how you have been since the last time you ate there. He's a great guy.
In addition to the wonderful service you get, this subway is VERY clean. I have been to plenty of subways where lettuce is on the counter, the tables are dirty, the floors are icky, and the soda machine is a mess. Lucky respects his store, his customers, and the Subway chain. The entire building is spotless.
Lastly, the decór. It has the typical subway look, but for Christmas it has been decked out! Each table has a mini Christmas tree, and a few other decorations are around as well.
Overall, I will definitely be returning, and I would DEFINITELY recommend this subway for great service and quality you can trust.