Is it just me or am I the only one that noticed they advertise that they have french macaroons? Shouldn't they be spelled with one o? Macaron? Isn't that the correct term?
Anyway, these are hard to find in Las Vegas. (Why doesn't Freeds have them?) I didn't want to make the trip to the strip and get these at Bouchon bakery at the Venetian, so I decided to check out Project Cupcake.
The first time I came here they were closed, even though we came around 8:00p (the store hours said they close at 9p). The second time I went in, they did not have a lot of the items available they had on display. When I asked the gal if they display was fake she said no, but they are really hard (?) They had about 5 different macaron flavors on display, and only had one available- strawberry. Strawberry would have been my last choice. They had vanilla and pistacio in the display. I would have loved to try both of those! Why have flavors that aren't even available on display? The girl working informed me that they were sold out. It was around 1:00p. I hesitantly took the strawberry. It was pretty good, I must say, but the overall experience? Eh.
Next time I think I'll make the trip to Bouchon. That bakery is amazing in all its grandeur, and the macarons? Spelled correctly and a small piece of heaven to enjoy. Flavors change seasonally, and are always available.