I'm running my first race ever this year and it's a half-marathon. And I can't wait for the big day. My goal is to not get picked up by the big sweep. The expo was cool even though I got there at the last hour. During my short time there, many vendors try to pressure you to buy their products. I got ripped off by Allison Promotions. It's the booth selling the "Click it Hot" hands and body warmers. I bought two for $10. Guy says, "It lasts for at least 45 minutes." Excited, I started using it right when I left the expo. So, why did this piece of crap got cold in less than 15 minutes? Frustrated and feeling like Boo-Boo the Fool, I checked out the receipt only to read No Refund. How convenient! Beware of schemes and scammers at the expo.