Would give a zero star rating but not possible. Consistent bad service. Registered letters never delivered to door, lie that they try. Husband works from home and can see them put mail in box, checks and there is a card. Now we have to go to post office the next day and wait in line.
UPS took pkg to USPS postal ctr on the 12th, supposed to be delivered on the 14th. This morning got notice delivered on the 16th at 8:49 pm. Was home nothing brought to door, nothing in mailbox. 5 days 2 get package across town and now they lost it. Website is ridiculous. It's a birthday gift for my daughter. but they don't care about the customer or they would deliver stuff on time. Now I get to waist my day trying to track down the package. Wish I could bill them for my time.
Also our mail person swears like a sailor while delivering the mail, real class act!