The roots run deep with this Filibertos. My friends and I have had some good times here. I miss watching people ruin their front bumper in the drive thru when hitting the median. Good times...unfortunately they made that impossible now. Anyways onto the food. It's hard to explain why the food tastes better at this location. Basically it is because the grill and fryers have seen some shit over the years. The newer filibertos are good don't get me wrong. They just haven't seen the same wear and tear as this location. This place is as ghetto as they come, but damn is the food delicious. I'm not feeling the price difference though over all the thee location. Shoot the one on Pecos I can get a bean and cheese burrito for $3.23 plus $.50 off every time so it's always under 3 bucks. Wednesdays it is $1. At this Elliot location it was over $4 for a BEAN AND CHEESE BURRITO. Get real filibertos. 3 stars for nostalgia and better tasting food, but you're lucky you get that. I'm sticking to the Pecos location.