I rent a lot of cars and it's really nice to walk off of your plane and walk to your rental car. I guess you could do that in Las Vegas but it might take you three days to get to your car as this rental center is located nearly 2,000 miles away. I think the shuttle bus drove me back to my home! I wish I knew that I had a rental car center in my backyard! Ok so I'm exaggerating! They didn't bring me all The way home! LOL With that said, they are very efficient. Handlers are outside on the curb to direct the human cattle into pens where you will wait for a very short time for your shuttle bus. The rental center is mammoth but they are very efficient. National had a great selection of Emerald Executive aisle cars. My return was also very efficient. I just wish it wasn't so far from the terminal. Any time you need to deal with a shuttle bus, you are just throwing in another possible wrench into your travel plans.