| - I picked up an interest in target practice a few months ago, and while I'm no Top Shot, I'm decent at shooting. Since then I've been practicing to gain more accuracy and speed and have been trying out different handguns to see which one will be "the one." Most of my experiences have been at Caswell's, since it's the closest indoor range to where I live. After trying out a variety of semi-autos at Caswell's, I wanted to try out a few Berettas that were offered only at SGC.
If I had to pick SGC or Caswell's, I'd pick Caswell's. The facility here at SGC looks newer, and there is more selection for renting, but my experience here was odd, and I'm not sure I'd go here again. First of all, when I tried to call their number to see if a particular semi auto was available for rent, the phone rang and rang... and rang... no one picked up. Whenever I've called at Caswell's I've always been able to reach someone on the phone. So, I left it up to chance and made the drive up to North Scottsdale (and hoped that the website was updated). When I got there I asked the associate at the counter how long of a wait there was for a lane. She replied curtly "There's no lanes open." Well.... that wasn't really answering my question, but OK...
Since it was my first time here I had to fill out a 2 page waiver and watch a video on the 4 safety principles of using guns. The website said you could skip it if you watched it online, but when I told the associate at the counter she also replied in the same curt tone that the one they had online was shorter. Comparing the two, there was only like, 1 or 2 minutes of extra footage that was kind of self-evident stuff about gun safety.
Going up to rent my semi-auto, they did not have the caliber I wanted, despite saying they had it on the website. So, I opted for the same gun, but in a different caliber. The lanes are operated electronically like Caswell's, although the ones here run better and seem newer. The really odd part of my experience here was I went out to get another box of ammo, and when I came back, my target was gone! I looked around, and even looked in the trash to see if someone had thrown it out, but it wasn't there. WTF, what kind of klepto steals used targets from a gun range?
Now while the first associate wasn't very friendly at all, the others that I got ammo and rented guns from were a lot friendlier. But it only takes one unfriendly associate to alter your perception of a place. Now that I've tried Scottsdale Gun Club and the facility, I'll take the cheaper rates, older facility, but better customer service at Caswell's over Scottsdale Gun Club.
Total price (not including tax):
$15 Handgun rental
$20.99 .45 ACP per box
$15 lane fee per person
Bull's eye style targets $.70 per target