My dad insists these are the largest TVs he's seen in his entire 70 years of life. The updated sportsbook at the Palms is definitely a spectacle of big screens and little screens too, and the big screens deliver a HD picture that threatens to melt the eyeballs right out of your head. For pure viewing pleasure, it is a top-notch spot, and if you happen to play poker, they have several tables set up right there so you can lose even more money I suppose. The seats are red and more comfortable than your average book furniture. They even have a bit of a recline, which is helpful if you're on the front row looking straight up at god-sized football players. Each of the cubby screens allows you to tune into another TV channel, place more bets and/or pull up some other gambling options, like video poker. I don't really partake in the gambling, but they make it easy to keep your money in play. Given it's right next to the west self-parking lot, it is also easily accessible. I am a fan of the new digs.