Make certain you arrive as soon as they
open. Check their website for what time they will open. It differs between seasons/ weekends/week days. If you wait til later in the day, the restaurant will Be packed and you will have a difficult time finding a seat. Eat VERY slow and enjoy the music. Organ player begins playing 30 min after they open and he takes requests. Place your order than find a seat while you watch for your number. Drinks and ice cream are paid separately. When your number is posted go back to the counter to pick up your order. We sat upstairs, chairs were comfortable. Downstairs seating is on picnic style benches. Pizzas are absolutely
Delicious !!!!! They also offer spaghetti and hot sandwiches. The organist plays for 30 min. Than takes a 15 min break. Plan on eating slow and staying awhile, it's well worth the stay. Relax and enjoy . Oh yes they also have a salad bar with a pretty
Good selection.