I wasn't psyched about coming to this place because that salad on its Yelp review page does not look good at all.
The restaurant was dead. The only people there were in the bar area or sitting on the patio. I took my seat at the bar and the bartender walked straight over to me, not to take my order but to grab something from the well right in front of me. As I waited, I looked around and the place looked sad and desperate. It was like Applebee's and Black Angus had a bastard child that they both neglected. I noticed that the bartender was chatting up some fugly mofos - flipping her hair and giggling like a buffoon. At first it didn't bother me because I knew she has to make tips. She served two other people at the bar and when she was done I figured I'd get her attention and give her my order, even though we made eye contact and she saw me sit at the bar. Then a third guy walks into the bar and she serves him ahead of me, it was the last straw. I said "f*&$ this" and left.