I love everything about Dim Sum except waiting for the table. The prices here were very reasonable but the service wasn't on point. My mumzy is very knowledgeable in the realm of Dim Sum menu items and we leave her pretty much in charge of getting food on the table. There were a number of dishes that we didn't see or only saw when finishing our meal so their rotation for the dishes around the room wasn't the best. It was also nearly impossible for us to get water. We tried flagging down the relevant staff but no one was really bothering to eyeball the tables for service. Even when we managed to get a staff member and ask us for water, they said they would bring us a pitcher and needless to say they just walked away only to return to resetting the tables and never bring us water. Came out to $117 for 6 of us and we had some sticky rice and noodles to take home. Flavors were all great and everything was well cooked.
TIP: If you want more water, leave your tea top open. That's the "its empty and needs to be refilled" signage so it'll at least get a staff member to your table who you can then ask for water.